
Fotocommunity - German online photo community with various themes and galleries
BuitenBeeld - Dutch nature photography community
Karel Tomei: Flying Camera - Dutch landscape photographer
Martin Kers - Dutch landscape photographer

Urban Exploring
Vergane Glorie - Dimitri van Veenen & Barth la Lau (NL) - Andre Joosse (NL)
Chiparus - Tommy van Leeuwen (NL)
Lost Places - Gert-Jan Besselink (NL - Thierry Buysse (B)
Lipinski - Spurensammler (D)
Urban Adventures - Raymond Tillieu (B)
Rotten Places - German webzine about all kinds of (un)protected heritage
Sperrzone - Big German Urbex-website

(all in Dutch)
Rolandrail - The ultimate website about cargo by train in the Netherlands by Roland Korving
Sporenplan - Detailed railway maps of Europe, modern and historic
Stationsweb - Wichor Bramer states all Dutch stations from now and then
Langs de rails - Very extensive website about railways in (mainly) the Netherlands
Archief Edward Bary - Beautiful railwayphoto archive with pictures of the 60's and 70's
OnTheSpot - Trains as photographic object and more - All about trains and more
Nederlandse Museummaterieel Database - All historic trains in the Netherlands - Database of all historic railway museums in the Netherlands

All current and closed railways and stations in the Netherlands in Google Earth. Including industry tracks, historic tracks, WW2 tracks, future tracks and more. (only in Dutch)

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